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AdoptED is not just for students. We created it with you, the educator, in mind.
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Our objective is simple

Empower students to make educated decisions about complex life decisions.

AdoptED was born out of a desire to inspire and educate students, teachers and administrators about the impact adoption can have on families, communities, and generations. AdoptED is designed to challenge students to think critically about life choices. AdoptED’s curriculum is interactive, thought provoking, dynamic and filled with opportunities to engage, think, consider and create.

AdoptED Virtual Classroom

Provide your students with our engaging AdoptED Virtual Classroom! This learning system contains a course that will allow the student to identify the positive health impact that adoption can have on individuals, family units, and society as a whole. They’ll apply critical thinking skills as they analyze and evaluate influencing factors that members of the adoption triad go through when considering adoption as an option.

Additional program tools

We want to provide you with as many tools and resources as possible to enhance your experience with the AdoptED curriculum.
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Gladney University
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Current Lessons

Each lesson plan is self-paced and fully developed so you have everything you need at your fingertips.
Most popular

Adoption 101

An overview of the options available when facing an unplanned pregnancy, what it looks like to make an adoption plan, why someone would choose adoption, and how someone becomes an adoptive parent.
New lesson!

foster care & adoption

Learn about the history of foster care, defining parenting attachment styles using Disney characters as examples and the importance of healing trauma by providing a loving, caring and permanent home through adoption.

Meets state objectives

This curriculum is written for schools to meet state objectives for a variety of classes ranging from Health, Family Economics, and Child Development, to other public service coursework.
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Curriculum overview

Are you curious about AdoptED’s lesson plans or resources? Let us know if you have any questions and please know we are here to help.
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Local to DFW?

If your school is in the Dallas/Fort Worth Metroplex, let our Education Specialists teach your class for a day or two! They will provide your students with AdoptED’s curriculum that allows your students to actively participate in discussion on the positive health impact that adoption can have on individuals, family units, and society as a whole. Students apply critical thinking skills as they have hands-on activities while playing different members of an adoptive family.


What Students & Teachers are Saying About AdoptED
  • Amy

    It was a very educational experience & I learned a lot. I've always been interested in adopting & this gave me more in depth information about the process.
  • Izzy

    this place is so comforting and understandable and it’s really pretty inside and outside
  • Student Love

    Amazing! We learned so much about adoption and making an adoption plan.
  • Cindy Howland

    I LOVE this opportunity for my students to learn first hand about adoption and the process, emotions and legality behind it. I also love the seed that is planted for future situation whether for themselves or friends/acquaintances in the future.
  • Carissa Hollrah

    Knob Noster High
    I loved integrating the AdoptEd virtual classroom with my content this year and have added it to my list of resources to use in the future.
  • Erin Clifford

    Bolingbrook High
    I will make sure to register again in the fall to have a new class started. We LOVE this simulation! Thank you!
  • Tanya McKee

    Plymouth High
    I love using AdoptED in my classroom!
  • Bella Mitchell

    Lanett Senior High
    I love your program & always share when we use it in my class on my teacher Instagram account.
  • Heather Gutierrez

    Klein ISD
    I really like your course. I think the kids learn a lot, and I truly hope that if they if need this information one day, that they are able to recall it.
  • FWISD Student

    I liked how many of the women in these modules were open to share their story. Because not a lot of women are comfortable saying things like that to be honey there wasn't i didn't like because everything was great. I love this because they included real stories.
  • Alliyah

    Very fun experience! I enjoyed the learning experience!
  • Carlton Bryant

    The staff was fun and energetic from the start of the presentations. They allowed plenty of time for students to ask questions. Brought in an actual case worker that students asked questions as well. Good informational trip for sure!
  • Shari Shepherd

    Absolutely amazing! So educational and interesting. My classes loved coming here and they learned so much. Staff is kind and so welcoming!
  • Addy

    I learned so much about adoption and the birth moms and what they go through
  • Kellie Sweitzer

    My students have completed a couple of the ADOPTED Virtual Classroom lessons to supplement what we cover in class on adoption and foster care. The lessons are user friendly, easy to follow and have useful information including personal stories for students to be able to relate. Thank you, Gladney, for this free opportunity for my students!
  • Raine

    Very interesting and fun experience to hear what it’s like on the other side.
  • Charlotte Banks

    Trinity High
    Just want to thank you for the fantastic program last Wednesday. My students loved it! They were engaged and had so much fun with the different roles they were assigned. I am continually impressed by the caliber of programs that Gladney provides.
  • Nikki Sheppard

    Monahans High
    Their online curriculum was amazing for my high school students to learn about adoption.
  • Jennifer Rowe

    Ludington High
    I appreciate you providing such great curriculum for students AND spoiling us teachers. What a blessing!
  • Cristy Boggan

    Houston High School
    I've used AdoptED in my classes for the past 2 years. I love it because it's a self-paced module that presents information about adoption in a relevant way to teenagers. Having the ability to grade the students' progress is a big plus, too!
  • Catherine Kazyaka

    I am a high school teacher and I love the many resources that Gladney provides! They have provided lots of hands on instruction including guest speakers. My students really enjoy learning about adoption!
  • Allison Lessner

    As a high school teacher this organization has been amazing to bring our Child Development students to for educational purposes! We come back every year!
  • Elizabeth Harwell

    Burleson Centennial
    We always enjoy the field trips. It is such a delightful experience, and the generosity is enormous.
  • Maria Bush

    Lamar Child Development
    Your staff's passion shone through, and it was evident that everyone has a wealth of knowledge and experience in the field. Your dedication to empowering the next generation of young child development professionals is truly commendable. Thank you for your invaluable contribution to our students' education.
  • Erika Davis

    South Hills High School
    I absolutely LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVED the virtual classroom! It was very informative; you guys really kept the information short and sweet. The length of the videos were perfect and had information to keep the students engaged. It was also very easy to share with my students, and none of them had any issues creating an account.
  • Wendy Frisbey

    Samuel Clemens High
    I love your materials so much!
  • Jessica Pohlman

    Upper Sandusky High
    Thank you so much for the great program you provide for our students!
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Frequently Asked Questions

How much does AdoptED cost?
AdoptED and AdoptED To Go are free programs.
Are there any requirements for the program?
The only thing we require is a pre and post survey for the students and teachers. The information gathered from these surveys helps us continue developing effective and engaging curriculum. The data is not used outside of the Gladney Center for Adoption.
How long does the program take to teach?
AdoptED takes about 80 minutes and it can be broken down into multiple days if needed. AdoptED DFW has several curriculum choices and the time ranges from 60 minutes to 2 days.
How was the AdoptED curriculum created?
The curriculum was developed by a team of adoption and education professionals using evidence based research information and it engages every learning style.  The curriculum has been evaluated and updated every year since it was created five years ago.
What can I expect from an in-person training?
You can expect one of our Adoption Education Specialist to teach a 1-2 day program to your students, including interactive activities and great discussions.
What can I expect from a Field Trip to Gladney?
A field trip to Gladney includes a tour of our Adoption Museum, The Gladney Home, an AdoptED lesson and free lunch!
How interactive is the curriculum/program?
Each lesson will come with an interactive activity that challenges students to be creative and use critical thinking to work through difficult decisions when faced with an unplanned pregnancy.